ESCS distributes NexTek Lightning

The K1 device is specially designed for High RF Power installations up to 30kW+ The T1 device provides Long Lifetime by offering protection up to 100,000+ Amps November 2012 - NexTek announced the High RF Power K1-Series designed for protecting high power RF transmission lines of up to 50,000 Watts and the High Transient T1-Series which has a transient rating to 100,000 Amps+. This new series of SurgeGuard™ lightning arrestors addresses the stringent demands of mission critical RF applications including the HF, VHF, and UHF frequency ranges from 0(dc) to 1000MHz.
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Lightning Strikes More Than Just Trees!

It may come as a shock to learn that lightning strikes cause between $4-5 billion dollars in damages every year [1]. Researchers estimate that 22 million lightning flashes strike ground in the US each year, any of which could cost you hundreds, thousands, or even millions of dollars in damages
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